Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Whiny Butts In Trucking

There is nothing you can do for the whiny butt trucker... PERIOD!

Yet no one is trying to make a positive impact, at least from the rank and file side of things. I asked a coworker at another job if he any hope of anything getting better and he said no. In 30+ years of driving professionally all he could say is no.  Where does that leave us?  

Maybe he has a point.  Regulations are tighter, loads are more and more urgent, there's more unruly traffic than ever before and employers don't care if you live or die out here.  Even the Teamsters at YRC Freight are losing touch with any hope that might be out there.  

People who say, however, that the company they work for is a joke haven't yet realized that the joke is on them.  You've had time to figure this out and get out while the getting was good.  For those of us who choose to stay we are going to make the most of it.  I start out by knowing what my first objective is.  That is to get from Point A to Point B in the safest, most efficient and timely manner possible.  It's not impossible to focus on the job.  But seriously that's where people have lost focus and that doing a good job, regardless of the level in the company you are, is the first priority you should have.

Complaining only exacerbates the problems you already have,  You have two choices really.  Either stay where you are or leave outright.  There is no in between.  I want to be able to encourage drivers to do the best they can but i all you can do is complain I am going to leave drivers to wallow in their own misery.  It's not personal; I don't want to mess with my mental hygiene. 

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